Thursday, August 9, 2007


i'm not quite sure what this place is, art studio, home office, grow room, milk house?!?! confounding. i googled it and everthang. it's on the corner of claremont and vicente under the 24 and i love the ironwork, woodsiding, and milky windows. the flat dandelions are my fave (ok, maybe they're not tampopo related at all, but they are fun little spankers). the sign on the door says "appointment only-deliveries and pickups in the back." maybe one day i will peer into "the back" and see if there is any sign or person that could point me to the inner-workings of said edifice. till then, any notions?


Hansel from Basel said...


hing wa said...

ohhh buns, that would make me weep!

hing wa said...
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