Thursday, August 16, 2007

bird muffin horse

to the left of the manzanita twigs lies an oiseau that hannah made about 5 years back...ok, more like 7 years back. yesterday, a friend came by and asked how old the artist was of said bird. he thought maybe it was the work of a 7 year old. pshaw! she is the owner of her own business and i think her ability to make her work appear as free and loose as a wee one is inspiring indeed.

on another winged note, our neighbor kate introduced us to my new favorite: bird muffin horse. if you love giving people arbitrary identifications like me, this'll keep you entertained for years. basically you determine what combination of the three that fits a specific person. the example was given that john kerry=triple horse, i say feist is bird bird horse. try it on for size, you may like it.

1 comment:

javier mesa said...

I would like to be name like the space where the sky meets the ocean; I want to be a line, infite.