Friday, August 24, 2007

spikes and library fantasies

mr. chayablahblahsillupsin forwarded me this link to truck furniture, a japanese enterprise. i love these iron nails. iron nails are making a comeback. i found some awesome old railroad tie nails numbered and everthang that i want to incorporate into some sort of drawer unit. truck also has some library inspired pieces that are swaying my stiff librarian hips. maybe the next deco move is to make my space a biblioteca. replete with card catalog. spot gave my dorky bum a library card set to keep track of my minimal stash. i can't wait to geek out, toss my spectacles to the sky and rip my prim cardigan to shreds. oh my!


javier mesa said...

Look out Christians, iron nails are coming back and so is crucifixion! Just kidding.

javier mesa said...
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