Tuesday, February 27, 2007

high fives

peoples are making it happen!
jeanetta ran the tokyo marathon...IN THE RAIN!!!!
vinh's spot got a thumbs up on chowhound!
hannah's in nylon mag this month (march)!
yvette's cookbook is in press production!
sharlie had a baby!!
autumn has an opening coming soon!
have we agreed, x's are kisses and o's are hugs?

Monday, February 19, 2007

hing wa

ok, so what's hing wa? it's me. well, i suppose if it were in mandarin it would be shing hua. regardless, that's me. so i was named after the communist manifesto, so what!?!?! so my name's happy china, i also have a big gold star with four minors tattoed on my red cheeks, so?

cold hands, warm heart

today we went to the park to play tennis and have a picnic. i was hoping for a big showing to have a tournament, complete with sweatbands and tube socks. alas, it was not to be. the weather showed for rain, but only some wind kicked up initially, rendering my digits chilly in their willies. spot and i rallied a good while, warming up and soon folks arrived. we found a picnic table for the more vertically challenged. (maybe it was actually to increase the feelings of picnicking...keeping you close to the ground) all i can say is cucumber sandwiches, joey specials, gruner veltliner, lemonade, and fresh citrus is delish. plus i heart kavli.

so warm is my heart, friends, furry balls, and fetish-worthy food.